BSNA Representative Team Program 2023
The aim of the BSNA Representative Teams is to provide players with a pathway for their netball development.
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Our 13U Team represent at Finals Day
Our 13 & Under team are off to the State Netball Centre on Sunday June 18th for Association Championships - Finals Day. We wish them all the very best and congratulate them on their journey so far.

BSNA Representative Teams
2022 Program Update
Woohoo! Our U15s celebrating their win at the Origin Energy Association Championships on June 5.
Both our U13 and U15 Representative Teams played at the Netball Victoria Northern Championships hosted at Golden City Netball Association - tough conditions in the wet and cold - after an undefeated tournament run for both teams.
Our U13 team were unbeaten going into the final, and lost by only one goal! The BSNA community are proud of your efforts today - well done!
And our U15 team also made their way to the final unbeaten and managed to take the win and are now heading to the State Association Championships Finals Day on July 24. Congratulations and good luck!!
Our U11 team were also undefeated at the Echuca Netball Association tournament - well done!
Thank you to our amazing umpires, coaches, team managers and everyone else who played a part to get the kids on the court!
Our 2022 Representative Teams

15U Squad 2022
Coach: Alex Ingram

13U Squad 2022
Coach: Alex Gilmore

11U Squad 2022
Coach: Vicki Brooks